Mathematical methods of physics
Mathews, Jon
Mathematical methods of physics Jon Mathews and R.L. Walker - New York W.A. Benjamin 1964 - x+475p. Illus.:index
Personal Collection:Prof. B.P.Singh
Partial Ifferential EquationsPersonal Collection Prof. B.P.SinghPerturbation TheoryProbability And StatisticsSpecial FunctionsTensor Analysis And Differenial GeometryVectors And Matrices
51:53 / MAT
Mathematical methods of physics Jon Mathews and R.L. Walker - New York W.A. Benjamin 1964 - x+475p. Illus.:index
Personal Collection:Prof. B.P.Singh
Partial Ifferential EquationsPersonal Collection Prof. B.P.SinghPerturbation TheoryProbability And StatisticsSpecial FunctionsTensor Analysis And Differenial GeometryVectors And Matrices
51:53 / MAT